Whole30 Menu Plan and Goals

This menu is the last of our Whole30 meals! We will have officially made it through all 30 days the middle of this week! Hooray! That means Tuesday will be our last weekly recap. Hard to believe a month has gone by. Perfect timing since we are done just in time for my sister’s wedding and all the yummy (not Whole30) food that will entail.

Whole30 Menu Plan and Goals for our family with 2 young kids. If we can do a Whole30, anyone can!

My current read and the perfect place to get a few more pages into it: let the kids play and burn off energy while I read. Win win. 


It actually felt like fall for most of this week. It was incredible and even a little chilly one day. It makes for a much more enjoyable power walk while pushing a double stroller. Of course we are back up in the 80s this week but at least there’s hope. Fall is on its way. I’m looking forward to welcoming it in with some baking once we complete our Whole30. I’m going to try and pace myself though so I don’t go overboard and lose all the traction we gained the last 30 days. 🙂

Whole30 Menu Plan and Goals for our family with 2 young kids. If we can do a Whole30, anyone can!

Rosemary Chicken Salad (with homemade mayonnaise) topped with avocado.


  • Chicken and Veggie Soup x 2
  • Leftover Paleo Chili
  • Crispy Chicken Thighs (recipe coming Friday)
  • Leftovers


  • Paleo Sweet Potato Chili
  • Chicken Salad on lettuce made with homemade mayonnaise
  • Salads for Shaun and me
  • Leftovers/sweet potatoes for the kids


  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Hash browns (sweet potato for everyone except Shaun)
  • Egg Muffin Cups


What’s on your menu this week? Has the weather cooled off where you are at yet?

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday

6 thoughts on “Whole30 Menu Plan and Goals

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      Thanks, Tanya! It’s been fun and hard but easier than I thought. I am looking forward to having cheese and butter and beans again and transitioning into more of just a “real food” diet. Thanks for stopping by!

  1. Gabby@MamaGab

    Yay! I’ve thought so much about doing a Whole 30 but I’m a little scared of the time commitment involved in meal planning & cooking. I’m in a busy stage of life right now and I’m just not sure if I can handle it.

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      All.most.done!!! It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be but I’m ready to eat beans, and cheese, and wheat again. 🙂 It helped me to plan out the meals 15 days at a time and include snack ideas so I didn’t have to thank about it quite as much. I had to make small shopping trips the off weeks but it wasn’t horrible. You guys have been busy and making big changes in your family! Maybe once you get settled and in a simpler routine it wouldn’t be bad. I think it also helped that the entire family did it. I think doing it solo would be hard!

  2. Shay

    The weather is so cool where we are at (Wisconsin) and I am loving it! I am bundled up in a blanket with fuzzy socks on and commenting on blog post. Perfect Monday night 🙂

    I’ve heard of that book before, I just don’t remember where – how are you liking it so far?

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      Oh my goodness, that sounds amazing! It’s in the 80s again today and the sun is glaring down. I’m ready for another stretch of fall weather. Winter can wait though.

      It’s been good! Definitely a think-y read but at the same time logically and simply written. He brings up good points of how most help is given through relief when rehabilitation and development are more often needed and if we give the wrong kind-of help we can cause a lot of harm. I’m just over half way through it so we’ll see how the rest is.


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